
Choosing An Address

Google Listing

Google will only let you show an address for your listing if it meets the following criteria:

  • Use a precise, accurate address and/or service area to describe your business location. P.O. boxes or mailboxes located at remote locations aren't acceptable.
  • If your business rents a physical mailing address but doesn't operate out of that location, also known as a virtual office, that location isn't eligible for a Business Profile.
  • Businesses can't list an office at a co-working space unless that office maintains clear signage, receives customers at the location during business hours, and is staffed during business hours by your business staff.
  • Businesses showing their address on Google should maintain permanent fixed signage of their business name at the address.

Website And Citation (Online Directory Listings)

For these places, it is essential to have an address for your business that you are willing to make public. 

Tandette manages your citations (online directories) as part of your SEO service. Most of the directories that will help your SEO require an address. 

There are three options regarding using and address:

  • Use Your Home Address - It is very easy to find someone's home address online these days. This is a free option if you'd like us to use your home address for your website and citations.

  • Use A Virtual Address - You can use a virtual address for your website and citation listings. Virtual addresses also scan your mail so you can view it online and other features. A notarized form is required for them to receive your mail, but you can also notarize it online! We recommend iPostal. It's very affordable. 
  • Click here to learn more:

  • No Address - You can choose not to list and address, but this negatively affects your SEO and limits the directories you will be in. Citations are a top-ranking factor for SEO.

Whatever option you choose for showing an address, that is the address that needs to be used for ALL ONLINE LISTINGS, including Facebook. The only exception is your Google Listing, as it is not allowed.

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